You're on the IP SAVVYS book website...Draft and File Utility Patents "Right -First-Time" using The Schwartz Method (TSM)

Press Release:


On December 22, 2021, David's new book Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS teaching “The Schwartz Method (TSM)” for utility patent drafting, filing, and prosecution, was published and released for distribution through all global distribution channels.



Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS, the Do It Almost All Yourself  (DIAAY) utility patenting book  that teachs “The Schwartz Method (TSM)” for airtight patenting

February 3, 2022

David Charles Schwartz, VP Intellectual Property at Eservgo, a division of Productive Education, announced his 218 pg book Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS. Schwartz positions Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS as the best pre-read before using The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) resources and other guides such as NOLO/David Pressman’s Patent It Yourself. Consider using it in combination with Schwartz’s on-line IP-BC Intellectual Property BoostCamp course.  Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS is available for purchase through all global book publishing channels*.

(The IP SAVVYS book is an on-boarding resource for teams that want to go even further with his online utility patenting course Intellectual Property BoostCamp (IP-BC).) 




"I recommend you get and read IP SAVVYS in one sitting and give copies to your team of patenting cohorts before trying to learn and apply any of the complex MPEP rules of engagement. I found it especially valuable before submitting invention disclosures under fee based contracts with patent counsel.  [Schwartz] explains MPEP in simple language and provides a critical pre-read before committing to drafting so you can file at the lowest cost, the highest quality, and with the least confusion. I started with Schwartz’s IP-BC free starter kit, then I read the eBOOK and opted in for the IP-BC ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER level. In less than 1 month  I was on top of the critical issues I needed to commit to drafting and meet the 1 year rule on my patent filing. I quickly figured out the tools and resources I really needed to get to a notice of allowance, especially how to work with my patent counsel and the Patent Examiner. I used Schwartz to understand and navigate around the IP potholes as my starting resource to secure a utility patent that issued with a clean file wrapper."

– Aaron Thomen, independent inventor



If you have a world-class idea that you want protected in order to prevent others from making, marketing, and selling it as copycats, turn to the best “patent it yourself" starter resource available, Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS. TSM is not taught in law school, and was previously unavailable from any other source. Read Schwartz’s two-part expose (Part 1: MPEP demystified, Part 2: How to change your patenting conversations with The Schwartz Method), and learn how to save up to 70% of your patenting spend.

The book is authored by David Charles Schwartz, serial inventor and entrepreneur, pro se patent filer of over 30 utility patents across diverse subject matter areas, and licensor of a global portfolio of more than 250 non-infringed claims for royalty-bearing sales.

Schwartz continues: “With Part 1, I get everyone into the IP Zone with a common understanding of MPEP. Then in Part 2, I provide dozens of step-by-step, conversation-changing pointers aligned with each phase of the patenting process. Whether you're new to inventing or a seasoned veteran, innovator, patent counsel, R&D engineer, or CEO of a tech-centric company, IP SAVVYS will get you better organized in your patenting gambit. Save hours of sleepless nights worrying about pending actions, wasted efforts on "draft do-overs," lost time risking first-to-file status, and precious financial expenditures on inscrutable invoices for patent services.

How? Schwartz shows a fundamental approach that incorporates incremental creation in the form of a Utility Compliant Disclosure (UCD). Using his “Big Bang Theory (BBT)”of IP capitalization, he shows you how to integrate patent drafting and claiming into the product development life-cycle. Once you know what a non-provisional patent application requires to be airtight, you can formulate your TSM invention disclosures for drafting that anticipate Fatal Office Action Rejections (FOARS). Discover why you never again want to just give patent counsel a simple form based invention disclosure.

Now you can benefit from his Universal Patenting Language (UPL), Guiding Principles (GP), and his Big Bang Theory of IP Capitalization (BBT). Change your patenting conversations using Schwartz and learn how to integrate patent drafting with your product development lifecycle so your patent applications pop out of engineering in synch with market entry. Stop getting caught with "Hail Mary" patent filings that aren't fully de-risked from Fatal Office Action Rejections, typically forced in the 11th hour by the 1 year rule.

Since it's official release on December 22, 2021 IP SAVVYS is not only available as an eBOOK, paperback or hardcover. The complete book including Part 1 & Part 2 is now automatically included as a PDF download with every level of Schwartz's on-line Intellectual Property BoostCamp utility patenting course.

"Innovators are reading my book as either a first step in their patenting gambit , as a pre-read for my course, or before using USTPO/PRESSMAN. The reason why is because it helps them "know what they don't know" about the complex domain of utility patenting, clarifying and refocusing their IP workflow. What’s unique about my book is that I simplify everything about patent drafting, turning it from an art to an engineering science. Specifically, I include an inside-out explanation of how to create utility-compliant patent using the Schwartz method, all in a one sitting non-legalese read, completely as seen from the innovator point of view,” says Schwartz.

Schwartz is not an attorney. As a serial inventor and entrepreneur he created and secured a storied patent portfolio on his original idea for a surface computer, all pro se.  “I was a diligent consumer of all of the USPTO resources, as well as several editions of David Pressman’s book, thoroughly learning and applying his entire patent process over a 30 year patenting/licensing effort. Using Pressman's scrupulously updated information and clear instructions, I secured hundreds of non-infringed claims for my global patent portfolio," says Schwartz.

“However, I quickly found that the USPTO doesn’t really teach patent drafting, and as good a resource as Patent It Yourself was, it still took me over three years and expenses well over $100,000 to fund my effort, as I bootstrapped my patenting and licensing company. My biggest expense was a result of working with one of the top patent law firms in the country, Fish & Neave, to draft, file, prosecute, and go PCT on my first invention, a "hyperbinding book" (this was my seminal patent on a "surface" computer).

Patenting is a complex domain and the learning curve is steep and expensive. First I needed to fully understand if my invention was even patentable. That was the tip of the iceberg. Once I committed to patenting, it was day-one on my walk down the IP corridor of uncertainty. I took steps to evaluate the commercial potential of my idea, and performed the multitude of patent searches to establish novelty. I proceeded to learn the relevant patent rules on rejections before filing my provisional patent application and when preparing the flip of my formal patent application non-provisional for global filing. Next, I had to learn how to respond to patent examiner rejections for rules 101,102,103, 111, 112, and 113 with competent arguments to win favorable findings, on my way to securing a clean file wrapper, all the while navigating treacherous amendment steps. Finally, after all of that, I found it necessary to understand how to read the patent claims of potentially infringing devices to avoid litigation with any would-be copycats, so as to enforce and maintain my patents in the market and license them for self-sustainable royalties.

“After my patents expired, I took it upon myself to codify my patent- drafting method now called The Schwartz Method (TSM). The secret sauce in my technique was the step-wise development of a patent draft from the inside out, recognizing that the creation of a great patent application was the inverse of how it needed to be delivered to conform to MPEP rules. I released TSM in the form of my multi-level on-demand utility patenting course, which I now deliver in its third version as Intellectual Property BoostCamp on the advanced KAJABI learning management system.  

I realized that as useful as my course was, to get TSM to become an industry standard drafting method, I needed to complement the course with a book so it could be more readily taught in law, business, and engineering schools. I knew that I owed it to other innovators to find an easier way to introduce them to the power of my patenting method and to show them a safer path to patent their visions. I also wanted to show all comers new and improved ways for patent counsel to work more cost effectively with their clients. So I have written a no-nonsense, comprehensive explanation,  compliant with The Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP), focusing solely on the entire utility patenting process. I use non-legalese language and share how to avoid the various potholes on the journey down the IP corridor of uncertainty.

“Now that we are in the 10th year post AIA with first to file, and in-line with Pressman’s release of his 13th edition of Patent It Yourself, you can use IP SAVVYS and Patent It Yourself together to accelerate down your utility patenting learning curve.

Once you’ve read and understood my book (there is a free copy of Part 1 on my book website), and maybe even taken one of my IP-BC LEVELS (there is a free Starter-Kit on Fatal Patent Office Rejections on my course website), your first step will be to narrow down your best mode Preferred-Embodiment and “layman’s claim(s)” using The Schwartz Method (TSM).”

Next, use my  DOC PAK guidance to refine your patent draft in the form of a document pack that includes all of the information needed to file a non-provisional patent application. Either work with your patent counsel or prepare to file your patent pro se with the USPTO, applying all of the on-line filing details including any changes in the EFS electronic patent filing system and technical filing rules.”

In tandem, working with patent counsel, and before your first office action, use Part 2 of my book to understand how to cut time and expense during prosecution, lead any responses and argue rejections by standing on your utility-compliant application, using my conversation-changing pointers. Do this and ensure you self-manage your way to an allowed utility patent with claims scoped to your business goals, all while saving up to 70% on your patent spend.”

Schwartz, creator and founder of Productive Education and the patent training division Eservgo, received his BSEE in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University where he was the MacMullen Scholar, his MSEE in Computer Science from MIT where he also taught incoming EE students, and his MBA from the Boston University School of Management. He was the founder of 3 Start-Up companies beginning with Productive Environments where he acquired his portfolio of 250 non-infringed claims over a pro se filing period of 20 years.

* Pricing announced with the book release: Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS was released on December 22, 2021as an eBOOK ($9.99) and as paperback or hardcover ($14.95 & $29.95). 

More about the IP-BC course:

Even though the complete TSM method, including all of the drafting steps, are in the book...take it all the way with the IP-BC multi-level on-line course. The multi-level course was developed first and offers dynamic TSM documents and a 30-day Do-It-Yourself challenge to execute the utility compliant invention disclosure and non-provisional filing steps. The 30-day challenge is designed to enable users to prepare utility compliant patent application drafts with your own IP. This is the unique result you will achieve when you apply TSM. If you have an IP team you want to accelerate down the utility patenting learning curve, then have each member take the level of the course aligned with their patent role/tasking. Apply this "Do It Almost All Yourself (DIAAY)" patenting method and achieve your next level in patenting outcomes.

If you decide to take IP-BC , you will enjoy the invaluable  dynamic documents that implement the multi-step "The Schwartz Method (TSM)."  Use the documents on your private server and keep your invention as a trade-secret until publishing. With IP-BC, you keep all of your invention disclosures in confidence on your own computer. You never upload or put any of your content into the cloud…everything remains your trade secret.  

Your initial charge for the course is based on the level you selected. After course level selection, you're given access to reuse all of the TSM tools at will, drafting and filing on derivatives or new inventions. There are no other charges. 

When you do file, you will be responsible for patent counsel fees as well as the applicable patent office fees. Levels are ENTRY, INTERMEDIATE, ADVANCED, and ADVANCED-PRACTITIONER. You can start anywhere and upgrade at will for only the price difference.

* A FREE (no CC) Reader/Starter-Kit was announced along with pricing for the IP SAVVYS book which starts with $9.95 for the eBook: 



For more about the Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS book and the Intellectual Property BoostCamp on-demand course,  follow the links below.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Utility Patenting for IP SAVVYS 

This site introduces the book and includes a free download of Part 1 (MPEP Demystified).

You can get the complete eBook and a paperback or hardcover on the publisher’s website or on

ABOUT THE COURSE: Intellectual Property BoostCamp

Visit the IP-BC advanced Learning Management System(LMS) to access the multi-level course. There is a free Starter-Kit on the course website - Fatal Office Action Rejections (FOARS) and how to avoid them.